One of the reasons that you would want to build your blog site in Jekyll is because you don’t need to have a DB. It also means you dont have to do tedious css work. It all works under the box and it’s a huge step up from those pay to play blog sites you see all over the place. So not only is Jekyll better, it’s also free to boot!

I will explain how to make your very own blog using Jekyll(pronounecd gee kul). I will go through everything step by step. If you own a windows pc your first step will be to buy a mac book.

Click on this link to get started with the documentation

This is a helpful link to get you started on instalation.

To explain jekll.

When you want to write content you will do it in something called “markdown”files . These “markdown”files can be seen in your project folder on the side bar. You can also attach HTML and CSS files as well. If your CSS file shows up as red, don’t worry about it. Your blog will love having your css file highlighted in red.